Laura’s Rating: 1.5/5 Stars
This book was recommended to me by several people but I did not enjoy it as much as I had hoped. It was a bit of a downer and was not heartwarming or meaningful enough to make up for it.
The Analysis:
NYC attorney Danie Kohan seemingly has her life together: she just interviewed at her dream job, her boyfriend David proposed, and she lives in a great apartment with plans to move after the wedding. After celebrating her new engagement with some champagne, Dannie wakes up in a totally different apartment with a different man and a different ring on her hand. The TV displays a date 5 years in the future and Dannie cannot figure out how she could possibly end up here. When she wakes up again, she is back with David and everything is normal. But now Dannie must figure out if that night was a strange dream or a vision of the future.
This book was unexpectedly sad. While the back cover briefly mentioned heartbreak, that seems like an understatement. Without giving too much away, the reader should be prepared for some heavy moments, especially if they have experienced illness of a loved one. I do not generally enjoy sad books and this was not an exception.
I won’t necessarily knock a book for being sad and serious, but my major issue is that In Five Years tried to surround the serious moments with romance and excitement. What was supposed to be romantic felt cheap or out of place to me in several instances. When I started reading, I was intrigued by how the events of the book would play out, but by the end I was frustrated and glad to be finished. Some readers that enjoy romance novels or emotional stories might like this book, but it is not for me.