The Invisible Man by H.G. Wells (1897)

A blend of early science fiction and horror that resulted in an iconic character.
Laura’s Rating: 2/5 Stars
Plot: Griffin is a scientist who invents a serum that allows him to become invisible, but is unable to reverse the effects. This leads him down a path of destruction and madness.
Analysis: I did not enjoy this book very much despite it being quite famous. I expected something more similar to Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, and while the stories have some elements in common, The Invisible Man was nowhere near the quality of the other novella. The book does mix mystery, science fiction, and horror - a promising blend of genres. However, the invisible man himself is a jerk and wasn’t very interesting to read about. His actions are supposed to be a commentary about what people will do when no one is watching or without the fear of reprimand. Yet I think there could have been a deeper examination of human nature and I would have liked more character development and depth to the story.
I’ll give props to Wells for an original idea and an iconic and lasting character. The execution of this idea, however, was lacking in my opinion. If you’re looking for classic horror/sci-fi, I’d read Frankenstein, Dracula, or The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde instead.