Mini Movie Reviews
I won’t be doing full length reviews for any of these films but wanted to share some brief thoughts.

Reservoir Dogs (1992)- 1.5/5 Stars
Eight men going by aliases plan a heist that goes terribly wrong in Quentin Tarantino’s first film. By far my least favorite Tarantino movie, Reservoir Dogs features his signature black humor, violence, and nonlinear storytelling, but it lacks the finesse of his later films. The movie is violent and intense but I can only compare the ending to a deflated balloon.

An Inspector Calls (2015)- 4/5 Stars
Made for BBC and based on a 1945 play by J.B. Priestley, this movie features an inspector who takes the audience on a deep introspective journey into how our actions can affect other people. This movie was not what I was expecting and is a bit heavy, but I really enjoyed it. Don’t expect tons of action, but I would recommend it for fans of Agatha Christie or Sherlock Holmes.

Annie Hall (1977)- 2.5/5 Stars
I had high expectations for this Academy award winning Woody Allen film, but found it a bit boring and underwhelming, with the main character’s neurosis more awkward than funny or charming. Allen’s use of subtitles, breaking the fourth wall, and even a briefly featured cartoon scene make the movie unique, but I don’t totally understand the film’s high praise.