Mission: Impossible Movies (1-6)
In anticipation of the new M:I film that came out in July, I watched all the previous films. Look out for a review of Dead Reckoning Part One coming soon!

Mission: Impossible (1996)
Laura’s Rating: 3.5/5 Stars
The first installment in the series is a classic spy action movie and includes the iconic scene of Tom Cruise dangling dangerously close to the floor from a wire. Everyone should watch this one if only for the cultural relevance.
M:I 2 (2000)
Laura’s Rating: 1/5 Stars
This movie was not good and is a noticeable step down from the first film. The team feels random and the plot just screams cheesy early 2000s. You could honestly skip this one and not miss anything.
M:I III (2006)
Laura’s Rating: 3/5 Stars
This one was super suspenseful from the beginning. You can tell it’s directed by JJ Abrams and it has some solid action scenes. The movie introduces Michelle Monaghan as Julia, who becomes a recurring character in later movies. I liked the support team in this one.
M:I Ghost Protocol (2011)
Laura’s Rating: 3/5 Stars
I didn’t love the overall plot but it wasn’t bad. There were cool scenes at the Kremlin and the Burj Khalifa skyscraper in Dubai. Simon Pegg as Benji makes the movie but I didn’t love the addition of Paula Patton as Jane.
M:I Rouge Nation (2015)
Laura’s Rating: 3.5/5 Stars
I enjoyed this one quite a bit. I thought there were good twists and the film was stylish. Simon Pegg again shines but so do Jeremy Renner and Ving Rhames.
M:I Fallout (2018)
Laura’s Rating: 3/5 Stars
This movie deepens the relationships between the main crew, which I appreciate. The addition of Henry Cavill adds some interest and he does well in the role. I also really liked Vanessa Kirby as the White Widow in this film. This movie was decent but under the peak of the franchise.