My Husband by Maud Ventura (2023)

A look inside the mind of a disturbed woman spiraling with her irrational thoughts.
Laura’s Rating: 2/5 Stars
Plot: Our unnamed narrator is obsessed with her husband. After 15 years together, she is still absolutely infatuated, and goes to great lengths to keep their relationship perfect.
Analysis: Despite her obsession, it sometimes seems like our narrator barely knows her spouse and they actually have little in common. She is more infatuated with the idea of him, rather than the man himself. She doesn’t really love or care for her children. At the very least, she resents them from taking her husband’s attention away from her.
At first, her obsession is interesting, but the book soon becomes nothing but a spiral of overthinking and paranoia. I got a bit bored at the repetition of it all.
Translated from French, this book reminds me a bit of The Perfect Nanny. It reads rather dry, despite wild things happening. The ending of My Husband has a twist that definitely adds some pizzazz, but it wasn’t enough for me.