Laura’s Rating: 4.5/5 Stars
Shutter Island is based on the 2003 book of the same name by Dennis Lehane (I’m reading another of his books now so keep an eye out for the review). The movie gave director Martin Scorsese his best box office opening ever. Unfortunately, I knew a spoiler for this movie going in. However, despite my prior knowledge, the movie was still enjoyable and full of twists and turns.
The Analysis:
When a patient at a cutting edge institute for the criminally insane goes missing, two U.S. Marshals are called in to investigate the disappearance. The Ashecliffe Hospital is a hybrid asylum/prison located on a remote island off Boston Harbor and can only be accessed by a ferry. Upon arrival, Marshal Teddy Daniels (Leonardo DiCaprio) and Marshal Chuck Aule (Mark Ruffalo) are greeted by typical prison guards, although it appears to be the doctors and psychiatrists that have the final say as to what happens on Shutter Island. Despite appearing cooperative at first, the doctors seem hesitant to share all information about what is happening at the facility. Marshal Daniels is convinced that they are conducting experiments on the patients and hopes to find evidence to support his theory. Shutter Island blurs the line between reality and madness. Can patients be trusted to give accurate information about ongoings at the mysterious Ashecliffe Hospital?
An underrated DiCaprio and Scorcese film, Shutter Island has a neo-noir feel that is perfectly executed by the cast. The viewer is always on edge, anticipating the reveal of more information. I liked that this movie kept me on the edge of my seat and even left a few things unanswered (in a good way that makes you think). I don’t want to give two much away but fans of noir, psychological thrillers, and mysteries would love this movie. Currently available on Netflix, I highly recommend saving this movie for a rainy night.