The Suicide Squad (2021)

Laura’s Rating: 2/5 Stars
This movie is essentially a do-over of the 2016 film Suicide Squad. After lackluster reviews, it was determined that the only real piece of the movie worth saving was Margo Robbie as Harley Quinn. I never saw the 2016 movie, but apparently this one was far better. Despite this movie apparently being leaps and bounds ahead of the other film, I wasn’t super impressed.
The Analysis:
Set in the DC Comics universe, penitentiary inmates are formed into a Task Force X team, known as The Suicide Squad. The notorious and unusual criminals are sent on extremely dangerous missions, including an operation to overthrow an anti-American government in Corto Maltese, an island in South America. As part of the mission, they must also destroy Jötunheim, a Nazi-era secret laboratory.
The Suicide Squad was packed with exciting fight scenes and action sequences as you’d expect, so it was never boring. The characters were unique and quirky, but they didn’t work as a cohesive group for me. There were separate storylines that never really came together and each character had their own thing going on that didn’t really jive with the other players. The acting was decent but I watched this film a while back and to be honest, the only thing that is memorable for me is Margo Robbie’s performance as Harley Quinn. While it seems DC has mastered that single character, they can’t seem to build a good version of this movie around her.
There is obviously an element of fantasy involved in this type of film, but some of those elements felt more ridiculous than anything else. While King Shark was actually a likable character, an anthropomorphic shark is unnecessary verging on silly. Without ruining anything, the final battle of the movie is almost comical and I couldn’t quite take it seriously. This movie is fun and entertaining but you know that it’s bad. While not the worst superhero/comic movie I’ve seen, The Suicide Squad is definitely a step below some of the best in the genre.